
(Ελληνικά) Βίαιη εκκένωση της πέτρινης αποθήκης στο λιμάνι του Πειραιά

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NoBorder newspaper #2

The second issue of the newspaper

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(Ελληνικά) Πλήρες πρόγραμμα του NoBorder 2016 στα ελληνικά

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(العربية) برنامج أجتماع بلا حدود 2016

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Balkanroute Networking Meeting at 16th and 17th of July (NoBorder 2016)

During the “long summer of migration” of 2015 and the successful struggles for freedom of movement from the aegean sea via the Balkan up to Scandinavia we contributed with our networks to the chain of solidarity and support along the whole route. Our main aim was to provide useful information for the refugees and migrants and to strengthen their autonomy and selforganisation. But we all could exspect already in autumn, that the EU-borderregime would strike back to (re)gain control of migration movement.
From the institutionalisation of the corridor to the step by step closure of the Balkan-borders by new militarised fences, from the Nato-operation in the aegean sea through the dirty deal with Turkey for the readmission program: on all levels we could follow the raise of new racist containment and determent policy.
Now, in summer 2016, we see desperate conditions of many refugees and migrants in Greece and further on. The arrivals at the greek islands decreased a lot, obviously people hesitate to take boats in a situation, when the further route is blocked and after readmission to Turkey was announced and practiced in several cases. The determent policy of the EU-borderregime seems to be effective in moment.
But we can also follow continuous social and political resistance in cities, camps and at the borders along the whole route. Thus we think, that the Nobordercamp in Thessaloniki will be a good time and opportunity to meet and to discuss, how to strengthen these ongoing daily struggles for freedom of movement.
In a two days working meeting with plenaries and many workshops we would like to organize several sessions to evaluate the developments of last months, to deepen our exchange and to foster ongoing and new transnational projects.
We invited activists from the whole route to make possible a wide participation from the Aegean to Scandinavia.
some activists from moving europe, clandestina, wtm-alarmphone, welcome2europe

WatchThe Med Alarm Phone – Experiences of the Hotline for Refugees and Migrants in Distress at Sea

The Alarm Phone project started in October 2014 and offers refugees and migrants in distress at sea an additional option to make their SOS noticeable. The alarm documents and mobilises in real-time, the hotline is available 24/7. In this way, pressure to rescue or against pushbacks is built-up, wherever possible and necessary. In 2015 the project was in contact with about 1200 boats, mainly in the aegean sea but also in the western and central mediterranean area.

The Alarm Phone is organized as self organized callcenter and carried out by about 120 activists from various backgrounds and cities. Many have been active in networks at the external borders of EU for many years. Some members have made their own personal experiences of crossing sea-borders in the past.
In the short-term, the project focuses on rescue missions and the prevention of human rights violations. The death of refugees and migrants at sea could already be a matter of the past if the border- and visa-regimes were dissolved. Insofar, the transnational project aims to create a Mediterranean space of mutual solidarity, with open borders for all people.
In the NoBorder 2016 workshop we want to share our practical experiences and also (re)discuss our political campaigns like Ferries not Frontex.
More information at

Towards a Transnational Social Strike?!

Towards a Transnational Social Strike?!
NoBorder 2016 workshop about Labour, Precarity and Migration 
The normalization of precarization is the ultimate political agenda in Europe. It is now explicit that the line of reform from Hartz IV in Germany to the loi travail in France, passing through the austerity package in Greece and labour reforms in other countries, follow a common path. What has been presented as a “remedy” against the sovereign debt crisis or unemployment is used to stop any kind of discussion. Meanwhile, the constant reproduction of the so called “refugees crisis” is being used to shape a new government of mobility affecting both refugees and migrants, inside and outside the EU.
Nevertheless, the solidarity with migrants in Greece, the anti-eviction movements in Spain and, more recently, the movement against the loi travail in France show the possibility to invent new practices of struggle. Direct initiatives multiply within and across European borders as labour policing deepens, making visible the failure of representative democratic institutions to appropriate and absorb resistances. The socialization of strike is being a powerful instrument to turn resistance into attack, communication into organization. Especially in France, thanks to the intertwine between formal strikes and the experience of nuit debout, today strike practices have their own dynamics that need to be further explored in the context of widespread precarization.
Following the suggestion of the “convergence of struggles”, what we need is to find ways to connect struggles inside countries and across borders in order to gain the power we need. The question that becomes urgent in this context is how to connect and synchronize strike dynamics and struggles in different European locations, how to find common discourses and claims that can connect different kind of workers, migrants and refugees inside the national spaces and on the transnational scale.
The Transnational Social Strike Platform wants to discuss this situation in NoBorder 2016, as a step towards making a transnational social strike conceivable and feasible in Europe.
More information:
A next transnational meeting will take place in Paris from 21st to 23rd of October 2016.

From France to Europe. Finally the Social Strike!

From France to Europe. Finally the Social Strike!
Call out for the Transnational Social Strike Meeting.
Paris, 21st-23rd October

… the Transnational Social Strike Platform invites workers, activists, unionists and European networks to meet again in Paris from the 21st to the 23rd of October to discuss how the social strike in France can pave the way to a transnational uprising of living labor against precarization. We need to consolidate a common space of convergence and organization where precarious, migrants and industrial workers can recognize themselves, where different conditions of precarity can meet and confront, where to build a common discourse and claims that can become a point of reference for millions of people who daily and increasingly refuse exploitation and precarity in Europe and beyond. To seize the transnational potential of the current mobilization we need to bring Europe to France, so that France can be brought to Europe and even farther, in a transnational day of actions and strikes where we can make a step forward for the organization of the uprising of living labor in Europe and beyond … read more…


Border Wars: The arms dealers profiting from refugee tragedy

Border Wars by Mark Akkerman

The arms dealers profiting from Europe’s refugee tragedy
04 July 2016

While tens of thousands of refugees have died fleeing terrible violence and hardship to get to Europe, not everyone has lost out. This report exposes the military and security companies that have profited from the tragedy, winning contracts to provide the equipment to border guards, the surveillance technology to monitor frontiers, and the IT infrastructure to track population movements.


NoBorder 2016 program poster in pdf format
