
Call for actions: AntiFrontex Days 21-23 May

This year more than ever, we need your support to say NO to the European Union’s migration policies and criminal activities of its border control agency, the Frontex.
Closing borders and cutting the wealthy Europe off from the countries of South and East – plundered and kept in poverty – aims at preserving inequalities on both sides. Borders do not only work outwards. Their tightening causes increasing limitation of people’s rights and freedom also here, in Europe. Shifting the “problem” of migration onto countries such as Turkey, ignoring the death of thousands in the Mediterranean, imprisonment of those seeking help and better life in Europe, are directly linked to preserving capitalism as a system, in its most bloodthirsty variant.
Work conditions for those who are illegally employed in Europe on a mass scale are often not unlike slavery. Only a tiny percent of those appealing for asylum get the papers which enable them to escape the lot of illegal worker. Keeping migrants in a precarious position serves only economic exploitation, and makes it possible to quickly get rid of them whenever they claim any of their rights. It simultaneously allows for keeping wages low for local workers who can always be replaced by illegal underpaid workforce. The anti-migrant hysteria throughout Europe accounts for a cynical political game whose aim is to keep the power and privilege for a handful of the most well-off.
For a few years now in Warsaw, on the anniversary of the agency’s emergence which coincides with that of the racist murder on Max Itoya, AntiFrontex Days are organized by an alliance of groups and activists in solidarity with migrants. This year, we are not limiting actions to Poland’s capital where the Frontex headquarters are located. We want to invite various groups and people in different locations to express their solidarity with migrants and workers. Let us say this together: we do not consent to policies of exploitation and exclusion which those in power try to force upon us.

May 21th to 23th are to be days of objection towards Frontex and EU’s policies towards refugees. We encourage you to initiate actions of solidarity in your locations, so that we’re all able to broadcast our lack of consent to the power discourse that dominates. Let art activism, happenings, meetings, demonstrations and direct actions: all activities which you see as relevant in your local context, be a firm and bold outcry against EU’s policies. Choose for yourselves the form of action you find most suitable.
Please send us info documenting the events, your appeals, articles or other elements of what you do, so that we can all share them via our sister site and inspire one another to take action.
Write us: antyfrontex [at] riseup [dot] net

NO to Border Regime and Policies of Exploitation!

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